Sunday, August 30, 2020

Reedsy Prompt Short Story

 I wrote a short story on Reedsy: A Mental Spiral

I have done a little writing in my book, but not much. I'll let you know as soon as I hit any milestones. My writing has been slow so I thought I'd wait till my first milestone to update you guys.

I know this is a super short post today (most of my posts are short), but I've been struggling to cope. If you read the short story it'll let you know just how much I've been struggling. The short story is basically a fictionalized version of me. I haven't been as bad as the character in the story, but I've come close a few times. It was quite liberating to not only write this story, but to post it as well. Don't read the short story if you're easily triggered as it deals with a mental health spiral/crash. If any of you do get a chance to read it I'd love if you would take a moment to comment on here what you thought of the short story (you need an account to comment on Reedsy but you don't need one to comment on my blog post).

As always:

❥ Stay safe


Saturday, August 1, 2020


I apologize, but I'm currently on a hiatus for writing. I need to do more world creation before I can start my new book, and need feedback from a beta reader before I can edit the scenes in the book I've just completed. I'll post again as soon as I am able to start writing more. If I write and post a short story to Reedsy you guys will definitely be updated 🙂

As always

❥ Stay Safe