Monday, May 11, 2020

Update and thoughts

I forgot to update!

So last week I wrote the rest of Chapter Ten and all of Chapter Eleven. Chapter Eleven was 2,528 and Chapter Ten totaled at 2,546 words. I'm going to start Chapter Twelve today. I covered some of one of main characters' past in Chapter Eleven. I only have a small section planned for Chapter Twelve so I may have to adjust some plans. I'd love to have some longer chapters, but so far most have been a little over the 2,500 mark (the minimum word count).

Sorry for how short the updates have been, but I figured it was better to make some sort of update at least once a week than none at all.

My mother had to ask what book I was writing as I've gone through three different ideas to get to this one. I really wanted to write a series and now I am. I haven't written one before so this will be different with how I have to plan things. I have to have 3 different plots running at once, and adjust all three as things change in the one I'm currently writing. The last set of chapters I wrote really changed things, I'm having to adjust how the ending true ending scenes will play out due to changes that were made in a single chapter. It's just interesting how things blend together, and how each character influences how the rest of the story goes. How developing one character can tip the whole thing upside-down.  Bonus is I have a new perspective to write from, so there is more to explore. All of book one is planned out now. I expect things to change but I have at least a basic idea of what happens in each chapter now.

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