Sunday, November 15, 2020

20,000 words

 I have been horrible at posting updates. I write a little here and there, but have been mostly focused on my school assignments. I crossed the 20,000 word mark! and completed both chapters 6 and 7. Chapter 8 is slow going, but that's mostly due to getting interrupted every time I'm on a roll. I'll try to remember to post updates as I go.

I'm almost done editing the first draft I finished last year. One more chapter to go. I'm both excited and incredibly nervous. Once all the edits are added in I'll get a friend to read it (one who wasn't part of the first draft). After any changes that need to be made from that (scene corrections, etc) it should be ready to send off to publishers. I'm sure it'll get rejected at least a few times before it gets published. The fact that I'm so close to the point where I'd send it off is a feeling I can't explain with just one word. It's anxiety, excitement, shock, pride, nerves, and so many other things all rolled into one.

I'm going to keep this short today as I have some editing and compiling to do.

❥ Stay Safe!

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